Covering all corners of the state, and all walks of life, Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell has built strong support from grassroots leaders, conservative elected officials, and faith leaders. Here’s what a few of them are saying about our Lt. Governor:
“Matt Pinnell is a proven leader in Republican politics. He has experience representing Oklahoma at the national level and will be a tremendous asset selling the many unique capabilities and opportunities of our great state. I am proud to endorse Matt Pinnell for Oklahoma’s Lieutenant Governor.”
Jim Bridentstine
Fmr. NASA Administrator and Congressman (OK-01)
Tulsa, OK
“As Chairman of the Oklahoma Republican Party, Matt Pinnell led our party to an unprecedented level of success; he then did the same thing nationally serving the RNC. Yet he always kept his focus here in Oklahoma. I know he would bring this passion and drive to the office of Lt. Governor. Matt is hardworking and cares deeply about the future of Oklahoma. I hope you’ll join me in supporting Matt Pinnell for Lt. Governor.”
Casey Killblane
Davis, OK
“I got to know Matt Pinnell when he was training conservative activists across the state, before he chaired the Oklahoma Republican Party or worked with the RNC to build up state parties and elect President Trump. Matt gets things done with excellence, energy, and full dedication to the conservative cause. I believe that Matt will make a great Lieutenant Governor, advocating for the conservative principles that Oklahomans hold dear, and fighting for policies that will advance and strengthen our state. Please join me in electing Matt Pinnell as our next Lieutenant Governor.”
Jamison Faught
Fmr. Muskogee County GOP State Committeeman and Vice Chair; writer for Muskogee Politico Blog
Muskogee, OK
“When I first heard Matt Pinnell was running for Lt. Governor I was so excited and immediately pledged my support. I worked for Matt when he was Oklahoma Republican Party State Chairman and let me tell you, it didn’t take long to realize this guy was going places! I have seen Matt enter a contentious environment, take charge, calm heated emotions, and leave the room with everyone on both sides of an issue happy and unified. With one shake of his hand you know his heart. A heart for God, a heart for his family and a heart for this great state of Oklahoma. Matt’s high energy is contagious, as he smiles and shares his ideas of how he wants to help make our state the best state in the union. My husband and I are both proud and honored to give our full support to this young man. There is no one better for our state’s second highest position than Matt Pinnell!”
Donna Altom & Pastor Donald Altom
Hollis, OK
“Serving as Mayor of Edmond and later on the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, I saw firsthand some of the many challenges our communities and our state face. Matt Pinnell has a talent and passion for Oklahoma that will help lead our state forward as we confront these challenges. Whether in the political arena or as a small business owner, Matt has a proven track record of success that Oklahomans can rely on. That’s why I’m proud to endorse Matt as our next Lieutenant Governor.”
Patrice Douglas
Former Corporation Commissioner and Mayor of Edmond
Edmond, OK
“Matt is a problem solver, I saw it firsthand when I was County Chairman. He understands the issues that we face in rural Oklahoma as well. For these reasons and many more, I’m thrilled to help and endorse him in his campaign for Lt. Governor.”